Mental health articles

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How to cope with mental fatigue

How to cope with mental fatigue? To have half a century,hypertension,coronary heart disease and cancer are become the serious threat the human healthy diease.and this disease reason and etiology is very complicated.but ingeneral and mental psychological,social,environmental and lifestyle factors have close relationship. The few days ago,the world health organization in a report to said:the work pressure is thereason that threat the health workforce.

How to cope with mental fatigue? Mental tired is becoming a modern society, modern people’s “invisible killer”.medical psychology research shows that mental tired is a long-term mental strain.until psychological stimulation and bad mood influence gradually formed.If this thing don’t to slove in time.long time ago. In the psychological can cause psychological disorders, such as nervous, movement disorders, insomnia, much dream, memory loss, inattentive, lower productivity, etc., as well as the cause of migraine, urticaria, peptic ulcer, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, bronchial asthma, menstrual disorders, diseases such as loss of libido.

So how to effectively todiminate psychological fatigue?

We have eight ways to have a try:

First ,the laugh, health is the best way to eliminate fatigue, is also a kind of pleasant vent method;

Second, talk can make blood pressure increases, listening is also a nice thing;

Third, the slow pace of life, the idle time is arranged in the calendar;

Four, calm to deal with all kinds of complex problems, help to relieve tension stress;

Fifth, do something wrong, should think of who is likely to make mistakes, don't to heart.

Six, don't be afraid to admit that my ability is limited, learn to say "no" at an appropriate time;

Seven, night, silently tell yourself some only, then he sleeps like a dream;

Eight, when in trouble, believe that in the end things will mend the car."

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