Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

How to deal with chronic tiredness

Questions to ask the person who is tired all the time
• Since when have you been feeling tired? If more than two weeks, the tiredness is chronic.
• Have you been feeling physically sick in any other way? For example, have you been coughing?
Losing weight? Do you pass blood in your stools? These are examples of questions regarding
chronic physical health problems.
• Have you been feeling under stress recently? Have you been worried about anything? Ask about symptoms of depression and anxiety.
• Do you drink alcohol? Do you use sleeping pills or other drugs? If so, refer to sections 6.1, 6.3.
• Tell me about the activities you have done on an average day in the past week.
Things to look for during the interview
Do a proper physical examination, and in particular check for:
• a sickly appearance;
• fever;
• abnormal pulse rate and blood pressure;
• abnormal respiratory rate;
• signs of anaemia, such as a ‘washed out’ or pale tongue or eyes or fingernails;
• signs of weight loss, such as thinning of the muscles of the arms or legs.

Special tests and investigations Because tiredness can be a sign of serious physical illness, it is helpful to do tests for common illnesses:
• haemoglobin levels for anaemia;
• white blood cell counts for infections;
• urine sugar for diabetes.

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