Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

how to deal with drug abusing teens

how to deal with drug abusing teens

Questions to ask the family or friends

• Have you noticed any change in his behaviour or friends? Since when?

• Do you suspect he is using drugs? Why?

• How do you feel about this? A compassionate attitude will be helpful for the drug user to stop her habit.

Questions to ask the person using drugs

• Which drugs are you using? How often do you take drugs? This will tell you about the type and frequency of drug abuse.

• How do you take the drugs? If by injection, ask: Do you share needles? If so, have you had an HIV test or hepatitis B test?

• Have you tried to stop the drugs on your own? What happened? People who have tried to stop may be more motivated to accept your help.

• How is the habit affecting your health? Your family life? Your work?

• Would you like to stop using the drugs? Why now? Being motivated is an important sign that the person may succeed in giving up the habit.

• Who are the people whom you trust and who would support you now? They may play an important role in helping the person stay off the drug.

Things to look for during the interview

Look for the following:

• signs of poor self-care;

• signs of injection use, such as marks or abscesses on the arms;

• signs that the person is intoxicated, such as looking drowsy or slurred speech;

• jaundice, which may be a sign of hepatitis B.

Special interview suggestions

• Interview the person in private. Many drug users are taking the drug in secret and will not want to share their habit in front of their family.

• Even if you have strong views about drug abuse, you must not let them interfere with your role as a health worker.


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