Mental health articles

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how to deal with panic attacks without drugs

how to deal with panic attacks without drugs. Questions to ask the person who is unduly worried
• How long have you felt like this? The longer the duration, the more severe the problem is likely to be.
• How did these feelings begin? Find out whether any life events occurred that may have triggered the illness.
• Are you using sleeping pills or alcohol? If so, ask about alcohol misuse .
• Have you been avoiding any situations because of your fear? If so, what situation? How has this affected your life? These questions relate to phobias.
• Does your fear ever get so bad that you feel you might collapse or die? If so, how often? These questions relate to panic attacks.
• Has anyone hurt you recently? If so, further advice is given.
• Have there been any problems in your life recently? For example, problems in your marriage or at work? Finding out about such problems is an important step in making the link between life difficulties and worry.
• Have you lost interest in daily life? Ask questions about depression .

how to deal with panic attacks without drugs. Things to look for during the interview
A worried or tense look is typical of fearful people. A sad or emotionless face may suggest depression. Some anxious people are very restless and fidgety, for example constantly wringing their hands or shifting in their seat.

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