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how to determine your sexual orientation

how to determine your sexual orientation 

 How to determine our own sexual orientation

Sexual orientation refers to the definition of a sex or gender of sexual desire and emotional desires. So judging sexual orientation, two factors need to have. A lot of people just by mechanical friction, we can achieve an erection or orgasm, so only rely on sex to determine sexual orientation, is totally unreliable. The emergence of sexual orientation does not need to have sexual relations or emotional experience. Some people mistakenly think that, if not tried, sexual orientation can not judge. Sexual orientation is actually a kind of intuition, even if a person does not have any sexual experience under the circumstances, can still determine their sexual orientation. Some people used "like" to express intimacy, but like a very vague concept, but if you do not have a sexual attraction, then obviously it has nothing to do with sexual orientation. Same-sex sexual orientation, can like the opposite sex, but also to have a very deep friendship. Sexual orientation is only my own, through their own intuition, feeling sexual attraction and emotional desire to make a judgment.

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