Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

How to get out of bad mood

The well-known American psychologist Jack Brown said: the proper choice of clothes, with improved emotional effect. According to the results of the “test” and tracking investigation, confirmed the theory is correct. They think, the heart of clothing can relax, give a person a kind of comfortable feeling. So in a bad mood when should pay attention to four “not”:
1, do not wear the linen clothes wrinkle.
Many experts believe that, in a mood of the day, don’t wear crumples easily linen clothes. Easy to fold the clothes make people look a mess, psychological will produce a very uncomfortable feeling.
2, do not wear hard cloth clothes.
Hard cloth clothes can make you feel stiff and uncomfortable. Then it is best to wear soft cotton cloth, such as knitting, wool fabrics made clothing.
3, do not wear too tight and narrow.
In the aspect of clothing styles, do not wear too tight and narrow clothes, if too narrow, can cause a sense of oppression. For women, must avoid to wear skirt, tights and waist clothing, especially not to wear tight jeans, otherwise it will increase the emotional depression. And wear loose clothing will make you breathe easier, blood circulation, bad mood eased.
4, no tie.
The mood is depressed, the tie will make people breathless feeling, not tie can reduce the feeling of being bound.

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