Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

how to help people with personality disorders

how to help people with personality disorders People with personality disorder show unusual behaviour. They might be
emotionally cold and not respond as expected to other people and situations.
Often they may hold strange beliefs or suffer from depression. Some
may self-harmor have drug or alcohol problems. Some might be in trouble
with the police due to anti-social behaviour.
Being supportive and encouraging to the person often helps them to
focus on the problem and develop positive qualities as well as hope for the
future. Listening to his or her point of view will help in increasing
self-esteem and feeling valued and accepted. It is also helpful to set clear
limits in your interactions with the person (e.g.what is acceptable andwhat
is not). This attitude often helps the person to increase their ability to trust
others and gives them strength to face weaknesses.

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