Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

how to help people with substance abuse

how to help people with substance abuse  Seek information about the substances that the person you care
for is using and discuss with him or her treatment or
management options available
 You should keep in mind that total abstinence from the
substance misuse should be seen as a long-term goal. Gradual
reduction in substance misuse may be a realistic goal in the
short to medium term
 Help the person to think about the motivating factors (e.g. not
having a hangover and feeling ill after the consumption of a lot
of alcohol, making new friends and learning new things
through music and sport) of stopping the use of these drugs
 Try to be supportive and encouraging of any small change or
progress. Ensure that he or she is rewarded (by self, family or
others) for abstinence or attempts at abstinence
 Discuss the negative effects of alcohol or other drugs on the
 Highlight other negative effects of alcohol or other drugs (e.g.
lack of money, trouble with the police, social problems such as
relationship break-ups)
 Help with relapse prevention by supporting the person to
identify the signs that can lead him or her to use the substance
again. Some people choose to stay away from friends who also use drugs, or keep no money on them, for example. Support
the person to find out what he or she can do instead as
loneliness and boredom can cause relapse
 Encourage the person to learn to recognize tension and what
situations cause stress so that he or she learn that they need to
 Relaxation techniques are useful for individuals who are trying
to moderate their drinking or drug taking. Encourage the
person to use these techniques to relieve tension and stress
 Encourage the person to keep their health appointments and
receive professional help with their problem
 Encourage the person to talk to trusted friends or his or her
clinician if day-to-day problems arise instead of turning
immediately to drugs

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