Mental health articles

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how to help someone with an eating disorder

how to help someone with an eating disorder A supportive carer, family and friends can make a big difference in the
person’s recovery. You may be able to help the person by employing some
helpful strategies such as the following:
 Do not try to force the person to change if he or she is not
ready. In spite of the stress and sadness caused by eating
disorders try to avoid confrontation and judgement
 Do not simply state that the person’s view is wrong
 Be patient and consistent
 Do not be hurt if the person does not want to discuss their
treatment with you If appropriate try to educate the person about food and weight
and help them to eat healthily. Be a good role model by
adhering to healthy eating yourself and do not spend much
time talking about dieting, food and weight
 Do not allow the eating disorder to run your family. Peculiar
eating habits and food choices should not dominate your
kitchen or family life. The person should not be responsible for
what you eat, which restaurants you go to or where you go on
outings and holidays
 Talk with the person about issues other than food, weight and
diets. Listen to their feelings, opinions and ideas that have
nothing to do with food
 Encourage the person to go out and meet new friends
 Help the person realize that they have to deal with the
consequences of their actions
 Express your love and affection honestly and do not tie your
caring to demands about gaining weight

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