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How to make yourself happy?

How to make yourself happy?General under the dictionary definition of happiness is mostly: a sense of satisfaction and happiness. German philosopher Kant that: ” happiness is our needs are met “.You might think that if happiness is natural. But the latest research shows that people can play a more subjective initiative to change their attitude towards life to become happy

The University of California Professor of Psychology Sonja Lyubomirsky in her new book “The How to Happiness” says, 40 percent of happiness are master in our own hands,50 percent are governed by genes, 10 percent by life circumstances such as marriage, windfall and so on..

Lyubomirsky , who engaged in the happy study for nearly twenty years, also puts forward a series of so-called happy intervention rule.

She suggests people that when you take things too hard don’t think too much, tell yourself “stop it” or plan to leave 30 minutes later to just think this problem. In fact, at that time, you may find, that problem which has been bothered yourself is not so serious.

To savor the joy of life; cherish and enjoy some ordinary moments, like a delicious meal or a hot bath; in the depressed recall some of the best things.

Lyubomirsky admitted that some suggestions may let people feel a bit affectation. However, they really conclusion from formal research and studies have shown that they can significantly improve their degree of happiness.

Actually there are a lot happy rules, we completely can make happy by own efforts.

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