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How to overcome anger

A person will inevitably produce anger. But anger induced by enhanced the risk factors of heart disease, and is likely to increase the risk of other diseases. How to overcome anger? The following tips you can try.

Acknowledge your courage to admit your love temper can also seek assistance from others; let yourself from now on overcoming the problems.

  Sense of control   When the fuming mood is about to erupt, with a sense control over yourself, you should not only remind yourself to be rational, but also to self-suggestion: “Do not get angry, angry will hurt the body.”

In response to appropriate    When subjected to unfair treatment, no one will rage, but no matter what, you should be in a calm mood, calm, open mind to let each other know what his mistakes, rather than quickly make unreasonable counterattack, thereby depriving other chance to admit his mistake.

Consider others in one’s own place    Always feel for others take the matter on its merits. If no matter what, you can always stand in the other people’s point to view the problem, in most case , you will find no reason out on others, you’ll not anger at others.  

In reality, someone offen says: “I used to get angry, since a heart attack that I realized nothing is worth fly into a rage.”Please do not keep your temper till heart disease. In order to overcome the bad habit of love temper, start to keep your temper from today.

  Tolerant of people, do not square accounts in every detail, not to take revenge. When you learn to be tolerant, with love temper the unpleasant emotions will disappear.

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