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how to overcome anxiety disorder

How to Overcome Anxiety?how to overcome anxiety disorder? Dave Carbonell, an anxiety therapist of Chicago said that it is very important to learn how to deal with anxiety . A study shows that the way of adjusting breath and writing diaries can help to overcome anxiety.

Is there have other ways to overcome anxiety? how to overcome anxiety disorder? Now let us have a look.

1.Learn to accept

“people always have a strong desire to get rid of anxiety” ,  Carbonell said . But you can not make it come true rely on your will. However, you will find all problems which upsets you will disappear despite how difficult in accepting it if you can recall it.

The first we should do is to understand what symptoms you have and realize that you are suffering anxiety. If it is the first experience, it may difficult. But in the future, you will get more experience.

2.Write diaries and keep subjective attitude

Once you confirm you are suffering anxiety, trying to write your symptoms and thoughts. These can help you treat anxiety subjectively.

Doctor Chery Carmin, Wexner Ohio state university medical center’s director ofclinical psychology training, university professor, said ”if we treat these symptoms as catastrophic, anxiety will increased and become panic finally. Writing the thing you areexperiencing can stop you imaging the worst scene.

3.Adjust breath

Breathe quickly is one symptom of anxiety, A short shallow breathing can make you more terrible. So abdominal breathing is a good choice. This breath was described as the belly with the breath of ups and downs of breathing happened in baby. Breathing deeply and relax your shoulders, then take a deep breath again when you feel anxiety. When you breathe deeply, your belly ups and downs with breath and you can feel it with your hands.

4.Relax your body

Just like the saying said “ It is easier said than done.” When you really feel anxious, you will find some parts of your body become nervous. Then try to relax the stiff muscle. On other words, it is difficult to control your body when you feel anxiety. Therefore, try to relax those parts reacting normal reaction, such as toes or shoulders. It’s easier to overcome anxiety if you can keep relax and take a deep breath.

5.Talk with yourself

When you realize you are feeling anxious, speaking it loudly and tell yourself anxiety won’t exist forever and it can’t kill you or make you faint.

It’s very important to understand the psychology knowledge of faint and remind yourself, Carbonell said.

When blood pressure goes down, you will feel faint. When you feel panic, you may thought you will fall in a faint, however, the fact is not because your blood pressure stays the same. So you should speak all these loudly and remind yourself. to overcome anxiety disorder? Think back to the present

Don’t do it although the instinct drive you to escape the stressful situation. Carminsuggested “Try to decrease the level of anxiety first “ . Then, you can decide what to do and leave or not when you feel anxious. After all, thinking back to the present can help to overcome anxiety even though it’ll hard to do it for the first time.

Carmin said “The point admired me of my workmates is the leap of faith their own, they will do any things even though the things feared them. This need large encourage.” to overcome anxiety disorder?Seek for help

When people are anxious, people will feared and worried most. Generally speaking, anxiety won’t cause problems of body like heart disease. However, if you always feel anxious, you had better to see a doctor.

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