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How to Reduce Anxiety Naturally

Cleanliness is a sign of anxiety and how to reduce anxietyHow to Reduce Anxiety Naturally

  Example 1: eat fruit for 3 hours

 Wang Hui,because of no washed fruit, have got

  Sick. Dad told him that the fruitsskin has a lot of bacteria, if not cleaned will get sick. From then on, Wang Hui eat fruit as well as vegetables,are more than 3 hours to washed assured.

 Example 2:10 times a bath I just make peace of mind

 At the age of 18 ,zhang hong was harassed. since then, she has wash bath for 10 time everyday. But she still feel not clean, no matter what time as long as she thought of this kind of thing, will take a shower.

Example 3: the outside world have bacteria

 Miss zhang worried that there are a lot of bacteria outside .Every time she come back home, the first things to do is put the clothes hung on the door, never take clothes to the bedroom, sitting room, want to separate

his house form the outside world.

Example 4: is the world's most dirty things is money

 Xiao Yang is a college student, he do not know from what time , he felt money is dirty, "my money may be took by a lot of people , what kind of work do they do all have, and money can not wash." Xiao Yang said:If anyone have a contact with money, he will be put on the gloves or separated from paper money.

  How to Reduce Anxiety Naturally.The excessive education can trigger cleanliness complex.

 See these examples, I believe many people puzzled , will be sorry for them at the same time, feel so tired, also affect the daily life. So exactly how these cleanliness habits formed? Develop cleanliness, generally there are two ways, one is to hear others say experience; another is their fear of certain things. For example, patients think there is no pay attention to clean ,so they suffer from certain diseases, from then on is to wash your hands often; Some people think that life may be infected with AIDS, And some people in depression developed Cleanliness under the condition of low mood, they used a specific way to remove the inner anxiety…

 How to Reduce Anxiety Naturally.In addition, some parents educated children much, such as giving the child a too clean education guidance can also cause children cleanliness . Many patients with cleanliness is borned , parents or teachers clean excessive education to their health when they growing, causing them to be very serious. Clean and excessive education is deeply rooted in their young and small mind, then it will be overly concerned on it. "

 Love the clean is not necessarily a freak.

  Some people wash hands to the elbow every time, use soap to wash twice, but less than two or three minutes to wash out, this does not delay the normal life, so it is not cleanliness. Some people who do service industry, such as the nurse contact a lot of people every day , at ordinary times often touch the eyes, mouth, body organs, such people are cleanliness, for it is common sense of life habit, this is a protection of themselves. If it is pure love clean, in does not affect the normal life, under the premise of normal work can not call cleanliness. When cleanliness affect your social functions and social role, such as clean can make one to refuse to eat drink, even dare not touch bowl, quilt also dare not to contact, not even the work all indications, that this is a kind of psychological disease, is the cleanliness.

  The analysis of lower anxiety situation

  Cleanliness of the patients and their family are all very painful, how to alleviate the symptoms, is that they want to get rid of and is also the most difficult to achieve. Cleanliness is a mental illness. Since the cleanliness of patients are mostly due to psychological anxiety, then ease their anxiety should be a breakthrough for the treatment of the disease.

  To help patients analyzes the situation and cause of cleanliness behavior to find out what he what to worry much. At the same time, also want to know what they have, will let the symptoms. When patients to cognitive after these things, may really ease their anxiety and discomfort in the heart.

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