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how to stop smoking cigarettes for free

Ways to cut down on smoking how to stop smoking cigarettes for free

Here are some suggestions on how a person could cut down on smoking:

• Decide to smoke only once an hour. Then start increasing this time by half an hour.

• Make it hard to get a cigarette. Do not keep more than two packs at home at any time.

• Never buy more than one pack at a time.

• If you always smoke with tea or coffee, trying switching to some other drink.

• If you can quit even for one day, you can quit for another. Try it!

• Spend the money you save from smoking on something you like but haven’t had money for in the past.

• Exercise and see how much better it feels when you are not smoking!

• If you break down and have a cigarette, it’s OK! It was good that you tried and you can try again.

• Tell your friends you are going to quit.


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