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how to treat antenatal depression treatment

how to treat antenatal depression treatment 

How to wipe antenatal depression off

Some mothers-to-be always worry about weather the baby is healthy, what does it like after the baby birth to born.They worry about many different questions everyday, therefore most of they will suffer antenatal depression easily. So what they can do to keep a positive attitude? how to treat antenatal depression treatment 

First, accept the various changes during pregnancy gestation happily. Pregnancy can take many changes in their body shape, emotion, diet, living habits, dependence on their husband and so on.But they must experience all of this. It's quiet normal that mothers-to-be should face the pregnancy and delivery in peaceful and natural attitude.

Second, accept the change of psychological space in family relationship. The baby's birth will turn the lover's world into three. The baby not only occupy parents' living space but take up couple both of the emotional space in each other's heart.

Third, be ready for getting tired.The baby's birth can bring more housework ,so they have to handle it fairly.Especially the wife should go to work ,look after baby and do housework .So the husband should undertake this and make wife feels relief.

how to treat antenatal depression treatment Form a girl to a mother is a happy but rough process, during this who can keep a healthy psychology will do good to themself and the fetus' healthy.

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