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how to treat nightmare disorder in adults

how to treat nightmare disorder in adults Almost everyone has this experence : You had a tortuous dream , in this dream , your brain and logic is clear , but the second day , you will be very confused , where is this things comes from ? Why should I had a such dream ?

  The sence is ambiguous . You go in a dark and misty roadway , nothing can be seen and touched , the footsteeps become more and more clear . Fear sperad the whole body , you feel someone pulling your arm and you want to call help , but you can't make a sound . You lost in fear and finally woke up suddly.

Who has no such a nightmare ?how to treat nightmare disorder in adults

  According to the report of argentina national newspapar , the neurologist of argentine Claudius.wave testa pointed out that the nightmare and trauma related , Childern are more likely to have nighrmards . Testa is the chairman of the Argentine dream society . He thinks that nightmare has the characteristics of their own .We can recall our nightmare , and the nightmare always occurred in the before dawn . He explained that the ptoduced of nightmare no conclusive genetic basis , but some generations of family are affected by it . Tthis proves that the presence of some kind of inheritance of this . In addition , there are some habits will make people have nightmares . At the same time , Anxiety makes nightmare intensified .

Sechini said , If not for the psychological treatment , mental trauma in quite a long period of time have an impact on life . And he thinks that some for children is not accidental , because thease dreams and their physical development are closely related , as in the teenth of the stage , the nightmare will help in the development of the brain does not understand to the events of the day and the changes of the situation of processing , of course , in a non normal from .

  Sechini said , psychiatric treatment is to overcome the fundamental way of nightmare distress , if only lely on medicine , the nightmare is likely to haunt you .

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