Mental health articles

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how to treat obsessive compulsive disorder

how to treat obsessive compulsive disorder Obsessive compulsive disorder can be a serious mental health problem and
treatment interventions are based on behavioural techniques . The person is encouraged to systematically
expose themselves to the specific fears underlying the obsessions
while also being encouraged not to respond to the obsessions with compulsive
behaviours. For example someone who washes their hands repeatedly
in fear of contaminating or poisoning themselves will be encouraged
to take small steps of what is called ‘graded exposure’ from a mildly
anxious action (e.g. taking the rubbish out without washing hands) to the
most stressful action (e.g. handling money and not washing hands afterwards).
In taking the rubbish out without washing hands the person will
be encouraged not to respond to the obsessive thought (‘I feel dirty’) with
the compulsion (‘I need to wash my hands’). Initially the treatment goal is
not to cure the problem but for the individual to gain control over these
thoughts. The mental health professional will educate the person about the
nature of obsessive compulsive disorder, the reasons for exposure and the
prevention of responding to the obsessive thoughts.
Most of these rituals (washing hands repeatedly, or checking the gas)
take place at home. You can support the person with all of these by:
 Helping the person to maintain new behaviours
 Encouraging the person to practise these new behaviours
 Supporting the person to keep to the ground rules that they
have developed as part of the therapeutic intervention (e.g.
wash hands once, very quickly, after going to the toilet)
 Avoiding giving reassurance about the possibility of danger
(e.g. avoid saying to the person ‘you know it is very unlikely
that you will poison yourself by not washing your hands’). The
person has to learn to confront his or her fears and live with
the doubt. These fears should subside eventually

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