Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Hurry sickness of modern life

The press of modern life in every area makes these people in a hurry difficult to extricate themselves. We eager to get all things that we can acquire due to the high demand of life. All things seem to be possible in modern society. For example, we can find a desired lover in 7 minutes or cross the Atlantic ocean in 7 hours. Though the temptation of modern life is obvious, it is difficult to resist this kind of stimulus of modern life because the modern life is always regarded as the better life.

On the contrary ,slow steaming is not the advantage that is praised highly in our society. We live in a world that sings the praises of high efficiency ,so those people who look at the sea are regarded as idle men unavoidable. People feel better themselves when they do more things. Some people care about others’ view and admission of society extraordinary and some people seem always to be at the emotion of restless. They try to repair the lover self-identity and get the recognition which they dare to give themselves from outside.

The lack of a sense of security

These behaviors of life that you devote fully yourself to derived from a sense of insecurity emotionally. In order to that everyone will feel hungry everyday as an example: If we convince that we can use a beneficial way to fill the stomach, we will not feel anxious in that way. On the contrary, if we doubt it because of lack of confidence, we will gobble rather than eat just like tyen. In our eyes, result is the most important, so the way to achieve the result will become insignificant.

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