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impetuous impetuous or choleric disposition meaning

impetuous impetuous or choleric disposition meaning Impetuous impetuous or choleric disposition

In life there are always such a person, their impatient impulsive, just have an idea we rush into action, say what you think, often said to make mistakes, said to regret. Can encounter things, and return to one's old habits. Especially the "mood extremely low boiling point" of the summer, these people are most easily identify.

Investigate its reason, we can proceed from people's personality types. Psychology thinks, temperament refers to the psychological characteristics of the typical one has, stability. In general, people's temperament can be divided into four types, namely, bile, phlegm, sanguine and melancholic temperament. Those "impatient, impulsive person" and we said, their personalities tend to choleric temperament, psychological characteristics is impatient, impulsive. At the same time, poor self-control, hasty and rash simple.

So, easy temper anxious people can measure our temperament. Usually a person's temperament was the way he behaves, in life, in this way with little change, therefore, choleric disposition person, often one and again, again three haste. If you belong to the choleric, will pay more attention to adjustment and practice how to better handle sudden conflicts.

In addition, several types of temperament, you can also be seated:

The phlegmatic

Psychological characteristics: stable, to consider the issue fully; quiet, silent, be good at to restrain oneself; forbearing. Emotion is not easy to be exposed; attention stability and not easy to transfer, the external movement is little and slow.

Typical performance: this person is also known as the quiet type, in life is a stick and sound hard worker. Because these people have with the excited process to strong inhibition of equilibrium, so the action is slow and calm, strictly abide by the established order of life and work system, not for no reason and distraction. Phlegmatic person sober attitude, communication moderate, not empty talk, emotionally not easily excited, not easy to lose temper, don't reveal emotions, can be autonomous, not often show their talents. This kind of person long time unremittingly, everything in good order and well arranged to do their job. Its shortcoming is that some things are not flexible, not good at his attention. Inert enabled him to follow the beaten track, showing more than fixed, and flexibility is insufficient. Take it leisurely and unoppressively and serious moral, consistent and deterministic and character.

Many blood quality

Psychological characteristics: lively, good communication; thinking is nimble; easy to accept fresh things; emotion is easy to produce but also easy to change and disappear, the experience is not deep to the surface.

Typical performance: many blood quality is also called lively type, agile and active, good at communication, in the new environment and feel at home. Full of energy and high efficiency in work and study, adroitness working ability, good at adapting to climate change. In the collective spirit is happy, full of youthful spirit, willing to engage in practical business, can cause the heart yearning for, can quickly grasp new things, in full the ability of self-control and discipline in the case, will show positive. The interest is extensive, but the emotion variable, if the cause is not smooth, warm may disappear, the same speed and to join the cause of rapid. Engaged in diverse work often outstanding achievement.

Quality of depression

The psychological characteristics of the problem: quiet, feel and experience profound; persistence; the mood is not easy to show; response is slow but profound; high accuracy.

Typical performance: ability to feel strong, less emotional, emotional experience, but experience lasting and powerful, can observe people don't tend to perceive details, sensitive to changes in the external environment, inner experience profound, behavior and appearance of very slow, shy, timid, suspicious, withdrawn, irresolute and hesita

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