Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Infant developmental guidance

Developmental guidance Supporting parents in the early weeks and months of their infant’s life with education and guidance may prevent or solve some sleep onset and night-waking problems. Clinicians may be able to assist parents to enable their babies to develop their own self-regulatory capacities around going to sleep by: • giving information about the development of the infant’s sleep rhythms and sleep–wake patterns • explaining the difference between fussing, grizzling and crying, and that it is necessary to tolerate some fussing behaviour at appropriate ages and stages so that the infant learns to manage negative emotions • communicating the vital importance of the parent as an available and responsive ‘other’ for up to three months and beyond, as a continued source of external regulation when the infant requires help to regain a calm state of quiet awakeness or deep sleep • sharing observations of the infant’s constitutional presentation that may affect self-regulatory capacity • explaining the significance of developmental age, attachment and emotional regulation on sleep.

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