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Integrating mental health with health care for those who are HIV positive

Integrating mental health with health care for those who are HIV positive
Mental health can be affected at two different times: when people are first faced with the news that they have AIDS; and later, when the reality and implications of suffering and dying begin to sink in.
In the first instance, many people will react with shock and
disbelief. Thoughts such as “It can’t be true” may come to mind.
People may feel sad and angry. They may go into a depression
some weeks after diagnosis. This early reaction to finding out
about the sickness can be reduced by a sensitive way of sharing
the information. During later stages of the disease, counselling must be combined with other steps that may help promote the person’s mental health, for example:
• providing good pain relief;
• providing treatment for infections or other physical health
• giving practical hints to improve mobility and function in the home;
• supporting and counselling the family and carers ;

• ensuring that good and affordable health care is available.
Some people who are HIV positive may need drug treatments for a mental disorder. Depression is not a natural result of AIDS, although it can make the suffering much worse. Treating it with antidepressants can give relief and help the person cope better with the sickness.
Psychoses in people with AIDS are often the result of an infection in the brain. Treating the symptoms of the psychosis with a major tranquilliser should be combined with treating the infection. Ideally, these problems should be treated in a specialised clinic.

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