Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

internal versus external consultants

INTERNAL VERSUS EXTERNAL CONSULTANTS As evidenced by the foregoing, there are many types of consulting work, and many kinds of professionals who may call themselves consultants. We can divide consultants into two broad categories: internal and external. An internal consultant provides consulting services within the organization. An internal consultant is a direct employee of the organization, and usually works within or in collaboration with the human resources department. An external consultant provides consulting services on a contractual basis and is brought into the organization for a specific purpose. As a person with presumed objectivity and special expertise, a consultant does not have direct responsibility for goal achievement. External consultants are used when sufficient time, people power, objectivity, or competence is lacking within the organization to solve the problem or concern at hand. Because of this, external consultants hold a marginal role for the long-term operations of the organization and are generally under contract for a specific, time-limited purpose.

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