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Job Satisfaction and Retention

Job Satisfaction and Retention
Both effective recruitment and effective retention are essential to maintain a strong fighting force. During periods when traditional recruiting efforts have not been adequate to reach recruitment targets, the military has sometimes had to lower standards for admission. Issues such as minimum scores on the Armed Forces Qualifying
Test (AFQT) and subsequent determination of military occupational specialty based upon Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) scores that allow recruits to opt out of stressful experiences during basic training, and a lowered threshold for passing special operations trainings, have all been reconsidered during
the years when recruitment and retention is low. Therefore, the quality and skills of personnel admitted into the services and specifi c jobs is related to individual and family stress. Job satisfaction can also be important to job performance; this relationship is likely affected by personality traits, job autonomy, and job complexity.

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