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learning disabilities treatment

learning disabilities treatment  Parents are often frustrated because their child appears normal and yet is doing badly in school.

They are worried that their child may be suffering from mental retardation. Reassure the parents

that the child is suffering from a learning problem and is not to be blamed for poor performance

in school. Ideally, you should refer the child for further testing before making any statement

about the problem. Explain that the difficulty in studies may be due to a number of causes, of

which dyslexia could be one.

learning disabilities treatment Remedial education is a special type of teaching method that helps children with dyslexia (and other problems) learn better. With this help, many children will be able to complete their

schooling and many do quite well. Children with dyslexia do not need ‘special’ schools, which

are mainly for children with mental retardation.

• Talk to the teacher about the child’s needs. Explain that the child is not suffering from mental

retardation. The school may be encouraged to exempt the child from some subjects or be more

lenient in some aspects of marking (e.g. handwriting).

• If a child has mental retardation or hyperactivity.

• Counsel the child. She will probably be feeling angry and unhappy. Explain to her that she has

a problem that is making it harder for her to cope with her studies. Reassure her that she is not

‘stupid’ and, with proper help, she will be able to do much better.

learning disabilities treatment Never label a child as mentally retarded or dyslexic unless you are confident about the diagnosis.

This is especially true of mild mental retardation, which may appear just like dyslexia. Refer the

child for assessment to an educational psychologist or a child specialist. They will also be able to

give advice on remedial education facilities in your area.


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