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Learning of decorate color Deep yellow can motivate employees

Colors affect mood no greater individual differences .Germany color expert wolf·Isabel said the red is a color of fresh、powerful and inspiring ,Green is harming and peace and balance. Colors affect mood depends on color’s concentrate and collocation of difference colors .In red ,in general ,red make people exciting .If the four walls are painted red ,it makes people overly excited and aggressive. Wolf said if a lazy people in a green room, he is often difficult to take the first step, this kind of people decorate a room with motivating color such as red and orange. Decorate of public place should pay attention to the color used, in order to create a suitable atmosphere. The psychologist Link·wuwei focus on household environment .he said yellow office space can motivate employees, red store have more tempting. But, he isn’t agree the nursery painted red, children in the environment maybe more loud. The professor of color design and popular trend, the designer Finn·Axel said, room’s color shouldn’t be designed as a single subject, he said two thirds should play a soothing effect, it is better to mild colors, another third with a bright color, in order to play incentive effect. Finn said some color is best used in local ornament. Red is rarely used in the room, more used to accent color. Link said the decisive factor of room’s overall effect on color’s weight, moderate color light, dense and dark color make decorous feels to the person, it should be used under the guidance of professionals, he suggest not to use more than three colors, otherwise the room don’t look tidy.

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