Mental health articles

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Little affectations that damage health When people nervous

Little affectations that damage health When people nervous

In Some tense, some bad habits affect people around even more annoying than itself, and some tension habits will cause real harm to human body health. Medical experts reveal why some seemingly harmless surface tension habits do harm to health.

First, biting nail

If you have to watch horror movies a tension will be in the habit of biting his nails, it will harm the nail and the surrounding skin. Oral bacteria will unload into the skin and nails will be transferred to the mouth, the bacteria cause gum and throat infection.

Second, pulling her hair

Often pulling hair can lead to damaged scalp at the base, the consequences are likely to cause temporary or permanent hair loss and infection. Forced to pull the hair may be a kind of spirit impulse control disorders (trichotillomania), the need for psychological therapy and drug therapy.

Third, twisting his neck

Forcibly twisted my neck will sound to make a spine, although this may make you feel good, but doing so will make repeatedly around ligament easy to loose and damage. In addition, such a big games caused by the wear, small joints in the long term can lead to arthritis, and in rare cases for neck injury and stroke.

Four, touch your face

From the micro skin is very thin, repeatedly touched his face acne or pick words will hurt the skin. If bleeding or just scarred, then don't touch or itchy place, acne ointment or cream.

Five, the molar

In the face of the pressure can damage the oral health situation grind or grinding, tooth breakage or fracture, at this point you need to be repaired crowns or root canal treatment, serious when can also lead to a similar injury in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) of temporomandibular joint disorder.

People grind or grind their teeth due to stress response, but in most cases is caused by pathological changes, such as the dislocation of teeth and missing.

Treatments include the teeth to correct and improve occlusal conditions; Can even botox injections to muscle, thus reducing tension and prevent potential damage.

Six, eat hard candy

Stick on the teeth of hard candy can lead to tooth decay. Because the sugar can provide the nutrients for bacteria, provide cavities grow environmental conditions. Hard to bite hard candy is likely to cause tooth damage, need to repair. So it is better to eat no sugar or low acidity of candy.

Seven, lick bite lips

Nervous licking my lips will make the digestive enzymes to touch on the skin, cause dermatitis and cheilitis, make dry cracked lips. Lick bite lips under stress conditions can lead to generate fibroma, appear in a bright red flesh hyperplasia, is the need for surgical resection.

Eight, bite the cheek

Under normal circumstances, because the cheek was bitten place will swell, and easier to bite. With the passage of time can lead to chronic inflammation, bleeding and leave a scar.

Nine, chew gum

Gum chewing to yum ring will not only harassment to colleagues, may also make the jaw joints subjected to excessive use of danger. And sugar-free gum is main cause digestive diseases, the sorbitol in it contains excessive edible (18 to 20 cigarettes a day) can cause mild diarrhea. In addition, the chewing gum when inhaling too much air, increase air of stomach and cause abdominal distension. In order to health, can be used to acquire the chewing sugar into drinking water.

Ten, biting written

Because germs lurking in written, so that the habit can let a person infected by pathogens, including the cold virus. If bit pen, in addition to get a mouthful of ink, also may the teeth, gums and other soft tissue damage in the mouth.

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