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Long term insomnia may wish to have a look psychiatrist

Human life 1/3 of the time is spent in sleep, so sleep quality, can directly affect the health.

Mental disorder is the most common cause of long-term insomnia

"I these two days of insomnia." "Increases with age, I become more and more serious insomnia."…… These words, we can often hear, then, what is the reason of insomnia?

"The reason of insomnia is very complex. Such as cough, have a fever, pain and other somatic diseases lead to insomnia, causing the noise, heat and other environmental factors, such as insomnia, tea Coffee food caused insomnia……" Mental health center of Zhengzhou Ninth People's hospital director Chang Guosheng said, these causes of insomnia are generally short, once these factor, sleep will naturally improve the situation.

For people who suffer from insomnia, chronic insomnia is the most headaches, and mental disorders are the most common cause of long-term insomnia. Chang Guosheng introduced, resulting in mental disorders due to insomnia, anxiety, depression and other mood insomnia accounted for 70%~80%, "the long-term insomnia and anxiety, depression of reciprocal causation. Anxiety, depression is the leading cause of long-term insomnia, and long-term insomnia will increase the anxiety and depression."

Some people say that old people sleep less, in fact. In general, a day of normal sleep time is 6~8 hours, and the children and the elderly sleep time should be more than the middle age people.

Long term insomnia, find the cause and treatment

Sleep is extremely important physiological functions affect human health, so long-term insomnia harm to health, must cause enough attention, timely medical treatment.

Many people mistakenly think that insomnia will not affect health, but the long-term insomnia will not only make the brain function disorder, also can cause digestive function, cardiovascular system, endocrine system diseases.

Chang Guosheng introduces, because the causes of chronic insomnia is very complex, so be sure to find the root cause in the treatment, to be due to treatment rather than symptomatic treatment. Now many people spoke of insomnia, the first thought is to neural Department of internal medicine diagnosis and treatment, in fact, for long-term insomnia person, might as well go to have a look psychiatrist.

Now many long-term insomnia person will take some sedative drugs, this approach is not feasible. Because sedative drug ingredients may temporarily alleviate insomnia, but will result in drug dependence, for a long time to leave the drugs can not sleep.

Of course, very important for long-term insomnia person to develop good sleep habits. Such as 10 at night wash bed.

How far away from insomnia psychological adjustment

1, good attitude optimistic contentment. Have a full understanding of social competition, personal gains and losses.

2 to establish a regular daily life of the system, maintain the normal sleep – wake rhythm.

The 3 reflection mechanism to create conditions conducive to sleep. Such as half an hour before bedtime hot bath, foot bath, drink a cup of milk.

The 4 day of moderate physical exercise can help you sleep at night.

5 to develop good sleep hygiene habits, such as to keep the bedroom clean, quiet, away from the noise, to avoid light stimulation; avoid drinking tea before going to sleep, drinking etc..

6 self adjustment, self suggestion. Play some relaxing activities, also be repeated counting, relax can accelerate sleep.

7 limit daytime sleep time, should avoid siesta or nap, otherwise it will reduce drowsiness and sleep at night time


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