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Love autodyne is a kind of psychological disease?

Love autodyne is a kind of psychological disease?

In recent years, the mobile phone become a lot of young people at any time one is inseparable from the tool of communication and take photos. Through most of the young people's mobile phone photo albums, I believe that all have a lot of self-portraits, in addition, we also found that the current in weibo, QQ space and renren, micro letter, such as social media, take pictures of the release quantity is very large. And take the main force in 80, after 90 mainly young people, after they take the form of there are many kinds of, from the frequency of the photo is also high. With the popularity of autodyne, software is a variety of skin care, and have sprung up around us also take artifact… So, why they so keen to take? Love take psychological normal?

Recently, the news that "the American psychiatric association has' take addiction as a mental illness, namely the psychiatry of ocd, main symptom is always take every day, to upload photos to the social networks."

Guangzhou baiyun mental hospital Chen Xingze psychological expert said: "love autodyne, like a lot of hobbies, is a normal mental state. Like yourself, enjoy yourself is good, but not excessive, as some foreign media say, take excessive can cause mental illness, there will be such, but many of us take lovers, just for a photo, don't be sick."

To praise for attention is a normal psychological need

Guangzhou baiyun psychological hospital experts said [garbage, everyone has a need to be attention. Children for adult attention oneself, deliberately make some unexpected things. Middle school students in order to attract the opposite sex, and the attention of students wear costumes, stage of young men and women in the mating is in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex themselves on purpose. , and by the elderly parents to make children focus their deliberately play small temper. Internet users to take pictures posted on the Internet, the purpose is to cause the attention of others.

People look in the mirror, photo, self-awareness process itself is a self-reinforcing process. In the process of watching have a self satisfy and reinforcement. And everyone some peeping desire instinct, and make these self-portraits in online market, which in turn greatly stimulated the autodyne excitability, let them have a sense of satisfaction, then, to get more attention, take will compare with others, so a few heavy stimulus let them more keen.

Chest-beating may distributors for performing more character

Take his normal life state by sharing on social networks, let everybody attention, to communication and interaction, this, of course, is understandable. But there are some people, the good side of our lives, and even a few luxury life scenes show off, and high frequency, it is hard to avoid lets the person feel strange.

Recently on the Internet from a saying: borrow take to show off, may show inner insecurity, a lack of confidence, which is vulnerable to performance.

"Chest-beating may distributors for performing more character, also is not caused by psychological vulnerability, but there are some defects of his personality is too self-centered, love performance, often see people with the attitude of a kind of lofty, the personality is hard to get along with people." [garbage analysis.

Addicted to take a comprehensive intervention treatment is needed

"Love autodyne" no problem, but the social function damage, not normal school, work, life, such as extreme situation, is to take on the addiction, is a kind of psychological barriers of pathological manifestations.

[garbage said: "is not only autodyne, gaming, gambling and other ways, too, innate personality factors, will decide whether a person easily got something, self-control is each people all have good or bad." [garbage, moreover, also said that when it comes to such extreme mental illness, need comprehensive intervention treatment. Concrete can be divided into two parts: the first, psychological counseling; Second, drug treatment. Among them, the psychological counseling including guide patients to their own have a correct concept of social status evaluation, cognitive, and peaceful optimistic attitude.

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