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Lunch Break Rule and advantage


The lunch break biggest advantage is use to work or study neutral position, sleep for a while. Then more enthusiasm into the work or study in a day at noon, in the most tired time.However, the benefits of lunch break is not limited to these, you know, in addition, what are the good lunch break?

What are the benefits for lunch break, summarized up, basically has the following three benefits.

1. The benefits of lunch break is to protect the heart. A study published in the archives of the latest study, weekly siesta three or more, every time sleep at least thirty minutes, died of a heart attack risk by nearly 40%.

2. A lunch break of benefits also make you restore energy. NASA researchers found that if the average daily nap 26 minutes, energy and alertness improved more than 50%.

3. Siesta can drive away depression. Stanford university school of medicine in a study found that, in the shift work or work night watch, slept forty minutes, can effectively drive away depression mood, fast reply their normal emotional state.

For all above illustrates what good lunch break, I believe you all know the benefits of the lunch break. Suggest you later at work tired, to make some time, a afternoon nap.

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