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malaria characteristics

History malaria characteristics 
As early as in 400 BC, the Greek physicianHippocrates
described a disease with the symptoms of malaria.
A connection between fever attacks and climatic circumstances
was assumed. Later reports of malaria,written by Roman physicians, are dated to the 2nd century
AD. The relationship between fever and marsh
areas gave malaria its name: malaria stems from Italian
and means bad air. For hundreds of years, Peruvian
Indians have been using cinchona bark to cure
specific forms of malaria. Quinine, which is the effective
alkaloid of the cinchona bark, was isolated at the
beginning of the 1820s. It took another hundred years
before further therapeutics against malaria were developed.
At the end of the 19th century,  plasmodia, the
germs, which cause malaria, were detected in human
blood; the  Anopheles mosquito was found to be the
transmitter of the disease. The step-by-step  development
of plasmodia was discovered in the first half of
the 20th century.Malaria is still of significance today as
41% of the world’s population lives in malaria-endemic
regions. However, at present, 59% of the world’s population
lives in regions that have never had malaria or
in which malaria has been wiped out – for example, by
a draining of marsh areas, but, due to climatic changes
(global warming), the WHO predicts that the incidence
of malaria will spread as a result of an expansion of the
climatic conditions favorable to Anopheles mosquitoes.

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