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malaria diagnosis tests

malaria diagnosis tests Anamnesis plays an important role in the diagnosis of malaria. While a connection between fever and malaria is quickly drawn in malaria-endemic regions, diagnosis
is much more difficult in areas where Anopheles mosquitoes are not common. When the cause of fever is unclear, physicians should consider malaria as a possibility, especially if their patients have been travelers in tropical regions. A blood cell count will show that erythrocytes and thrombocytes are reduced. The parasites can be detected microscopically by the so-called
 thick drop method. The plasmodia species and the number of parasites can be determined. Various malaria rapid tests are available, which provide a result within about 10 minutes. Other means of detection, like fluorescence stain or molecular biologic methods, are possible, but are not used in diagnosis because they are both time-consuming and expensive.


Malaria tropica, blood slide; Plasmodium falciparum infected erythrocytes (immature trophozoites, ring stage) and neutrophile leukocytes with toxic granulation, containing malaria pigment (homozoin); photo kindly provided by Dr. Christoph Borst,Neumünster


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