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malaria prophylaxis doxycycline

malaria prophylaxis doxycycline To prevent an infection withmalaria, different strategies can be used. Due to the ecological consequences, an extensive killing of Anopheles mosquitoes by insecticides (DDT) is no longer carried out. Nowadays, they are only used locally for the inside of houses. Nonmedicinal measures of protection aim at the avoidance
of insect bites. In houses and in other living quarters,
doors and windows should be equipped with insect
screens and people should sleep under mosquito nets,
the protective effect of which can be increased by an
impregnation with 1% permethrin (effect of impregnation
lasts for 6months). It is important that themosquito
net does not have any tears and its entrance parts should
overlap enough to prevent insect entry. As mosquitoes
can also bite through the net, it must not rest directly
on the skin, and the net should be carefully tucked
under the mattress so that it does not slip out durduring
sleep. Out of doors, covering clothing should be
worn (long sleeves, long trousers, socks, closed shoes).
Exposed parts of the body, including the skin at the
edges of the clothing, should be treated with repellents
(diethyltoluamid, DEET). For journeys to regions that
are at high risk for malaria, malaria chemoprophylaxis
should be carried out. Recommendations concerning
protection against malaria in endemic regions are published
by various organizations and updated regularly.
A vaccination against malaria, which would be an effective
prophylaxis for people living in endemic regions, is not available yet and is a current target of medical research. 

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