Mental health articles

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malaria transmission human to human

Malaria is primarily transmitted in tropical or subtropical
regions by the bite of an infected female Anopheles
mosquito .

malaria transmission human to human As the insects are night-active, in general, the bite takes place between sundown and
sunrise, specifically inside houses or other kinds of living
space. Plasmodia have been found in blood products,
but, as plasmodia are sensitive to cold, cooling
blood products makes them free of infection, they only
become significantly infective in the case of a transfusion
of untreated fresh blood. Other possible modes
of transmission are through the re-use of contaminated
needles or via the placenta to the unborn child, and,
a rare situation, ‘airport malaria’ or ‘luggage malaria’,
can be transmitted by the Anopheles mosquitoes being
transported inside luggage from an endemic region;
thus, not only travelers can be infected with malaria, but
also airport staff or people who live in close proximity
to airports.

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