Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Managing the hyperactive student: advice you can give teachers

Managing the hyperactive student: advice you can give teachers

Teachers should be advised to do the following:

• Make the student sit near the teacher’s desk so that more attention can be given to his needs. Also, by

sitting in the front of the class with the other students behind him, he will be less distracted.

• Surround the student with more responsible and respected students. Encourage one good role model student to be a friend.

• Avoid distractions; for example, do not place the student near the window or door.

• When giving instructions, look at the student. Ask him to repeat the instructions to make sure the

• Make instructions clear and concise. Try not to change routines day to day.

• Simplify complex directions. Avoid multiple commands. Break up tasks into smaller parts and give short rests in between.

• Make sure the student has understood your instructions. If you are not sure, repeat it in a calm manner. Shouting will not make it easier.

• Reassure the student that he can ask for help from others if he needs it.

• Make the student keep a homework book in which you can check whether the homework tasks have been written down before he goes home. This will also help improve communication between he teacher and parents.

• Allow the student more time in tests; for example, take his answer aper last.

• Monitor the student frequently during tasks.

• Never insult the student. Instead, calmly tell the student he has broken the class rules. Follow an stablished set of rules on discipline (for example, that he must leave the class for five minutes).

• Always praise and reward the student for every task successfully completed. Praising the effort is just as important as praising the achievement.


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