Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

mania symptoms list

Mania is an emotional state of intense energy and hyperactivity with no
apparent reason. People who have mania will experience some of the following:mania symptoms list
 Feeling elated and euphoric
 Sudden changes in mood, such as being irritable and quarrelsome
 Great difficulty in sleeping
 Being overactive and excessively energetic
 Changes in appetite and generally loss of weight
 Talking too much and very fast
 Behaving impulsively

 Interfering with those around them
 Being very demanding
 Doing things they would never dream of doing when they
were well, because of embarrassment
 Losing their inhibitions both socially and sexually
 Not being able to concentrate and being easily distracted
In severe mania people may also experience psychotic symptoms. The
content of these tend to be in agreement with the person’s elated mood.
For example they may have hallucinations, such as hearing voices telling
them how wonderful they are and that they can do anything. Sometimes
people have delusions, such as believing they are related to the royal family
or that they have super powers.
Mania can lead to severe consequences for the person, such as:
 Weight loss
 Unplanned pregnancies and/or sexually transmitted diseases
 Financial problems

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