Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

mental health economic impact

mental health economic impact Economics is the science that studies the production,distribution, and consumption of resources. The word“economics” is from the Greek words “o˜´ικoς”, meaning“household, estate”, and “νóμoς”, meaning “custom,law”, and thus literally means “household management”or “management of the state”. Health economicsexamines the supply of and demand for healthand health care, and the economic analysis of healthcare systems and health care reforms. It also examinesthe economic evaluation of health care technologies andthe measurement and valuation of health.Mental healtheconomics is health economics in relation to mentalhealth.

mental health economic impact health – not merely health care – has high economic importance. In mental health care, the uncertainty
and variation in treatments are greater than in health care; the assumption of patient self-interested behavior is more dubious and less predictable than in mainly physically ill patients; the social consequences and external costs of mental illness are formidable. The European Brain Council (EBC) showed that the burden of brain disorders constitutes 35% of the total burden of all diseases in Europe. Mental disorders account for about 25% of all DALYs lost in Europe, followed by cardiovascular diseases. Worlwide, mental disorders account for 15.4% of the burden of disease in established market economies. Major depressive disorder, schizophrenia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder are among the top 10 leading causes of disability (see Table 1). Morbidity costs comprise the major part of the [1] indirect costs of all mental disorders. This indicates an important characteristic of mental disorders: Mortality is relatively low, onset is often in (young) adulthood, and most of the indirect costs are derived from lost or reduced productivity at the workplace, school, and home.

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