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mental health education activities for kids

mental health education activities for kids In many schools, sex education is now provided to teach kids and adolescents how to make sensible decisions about their sexual behaviour. Such programmes will benefit from the inclusion of a mental health component. The issues that need to be covered in such an intervention are:
• Thinking positively. Self-esteem means how much a person values herself. If she feels good about herself, her self-esteem is high. If she is miserable and unhappy, her self-esteem will be low.
When she feels good about herself, she will accept challenges, have self-confidence and enjoy friendships. The key to promoting self-esteem is to help people learn to accept themselves by identifying their strengths and weaknesses. Adolescents and kids need to understand the importance of
setting realistic goals, of learning to trust and develop close friendships with peers, and of taking pride in their achievements, however small. A common reason for low self-esteem in kids and adolescents is their perception of their physical appearance. This is because a particular kind of
appearance is marketed as being beautiful by the fashion industry. Counter this prejudice by highlighting the role of the complete individual, by focusing on personalities who have
contributed to society in ways other than their physical appearance alone.
• Learning to say no. This message is an important part of sexual health promotion, but it applies just as well to helping young people learn how to deal with the desire to use tobacco, alcohol or drugs.
• Talking to friends. Sharing is the best way of dealing with stress. Sometimes not having any friends to talk to is a problem in itself. This is best dealt with in individual counselling, where problem-solving  is used to identify ways to make new friendships.
mental health education activities for kids  Planning ahead. Planning ahead, especially in the crucial years of school, ensures that studying for examinations does not cause stress. Using timetables is a simple way of planning ahead.

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