Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

mental health issues in adolescent students

mental health issues in adolescent students Mental health issues
There are three important mental health issues that are
associated with growing up:
• Becoming depressed. Common reasons for depression include
fights within the family, difficulties with studies, and problems in relationships with friends .
• Abusing drugs and alcohol. Many young people try smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drugs such as cannabis (hashish, marijuana). The danger is that what may have begun as an
experiment can turn into a habit.

mental health issues in adolescent students
• Developing schizophrenia. This is much less common than the first two problems. However, it is important to keep in mind because schizophrenia, a severe mental disorder, often begins in adolescence, especially in boys. If parents tell you that their son has gradually become more withdrawn from his friends and family, behaves in an odd manner and says odd things, think of schizophrenia.

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