Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

mental health problems from bullying

mental health problems from bullying  Occupational and family stressors and mental health problems affect active duty military personnel’s overall job performance and productivity, and mental health problems can emerge from military service. Hourani, Williams, and Kress found that the military personnel with high rates of work and family stress had higher rates of mental health problems and productivity loss than those with lower stress. War exposure in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other locations resulted in PTSD
symptoms among service members and overall poorer health and functioning. Combat duty in Iraq was associated with high rates of utilization of mental health services and attrition
from military service after deployment. Skyrocketing suicide rates not only affect family and friends but also take a serious toll on both unit members and military caregivers. From the beginning of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan through 2011, well over 211,000 combat veterans have been treated by the Veterans Administration for PTSD, and another estimated 200,000 with PTSD symptoms have sought care elsewhere or not at all .

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