Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Mental Health Worker Job Description

The mental health of health workers Mental Health Worker Job Description 
Just as health workers can suffer colds and infections, they may also suffer mental health problems. There are many reasons for this. One, of course, is that health workers are human
beings themselves, with worries and concerns like any other person. In addition, while spending most of their time caring for other people, health workers may ignore their own problems or feelings.
The kind of work which a health worker does or the setting in which she works may pose special stresses. These are some examples of such situations:
• when the health worker is also a victim, for example, in a disaster or war situation – despite being a victim, the health worker may be required to ignore her own needs in order to counsel other people who have been affected;
• when the health worker is faced with very sick patients, for example those working in terminal care, or where many people are sick (for example, because of HIV/AIDS) – each time a person dies, the health worker may feel sadness;
• when the health worker faces a traumatic history – health workers who deal with the victims, or the perpetrators, of violence (such as in prisons, or working with rape victims) can develop strong emotional reactions to their clients.
If your mental health is not good, then this will not only affect your own well-being but also your ability to work properly.
Therefore, it is important for you to be aware of your own mental health and seek help from someone else if you are concerned.
Sometimes you may feel that admitting to feeling under stress at work is a sign of weakness or lack of commitment to work. This is not true.
Mental Health Worker Job Description  If a health worker approaches you for help, it is extremely
important to observe the rules of confidentiality, just as you
should with anyone else.

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