Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

mental retardation in children symptoms

mental retardation in children symptoms Mental retardation is a condition that will last the lifetime of the affected child. If
we can prevent mental retardation, we will have provided the child with better overall health and life opportunities. You can do much to help prevent mental retardation. The single most
important preventive steps are to provide good-quality care for mothers, before and during childbirth, and good-quality child health care thereafter.

mental retardation in children symptoms Before the child is born
The key when the mother is pregnant is to take care of the
mother and know when to refer. Taking care of the mother
involves the following:
• Try to make sure mothers get enough to eat and sufficient rest.
• Monitor the progress of the pregnancy regularly; if there is evidence of poor growth of the baby (for example, less than expected increase in weight or abdominal size in the mother), refer her to a gynaecologist.
• Advise adolescents to avoid pregnancy (until the woman is at least 18 years old).
• If the mother is seriously ill during pregnancy, especially in the first three months, refer her to a gynaecologist.
• If the mother is over 40 years of age, discuss the risk of mental retardation (which is increased in the babies of older mothers). If the mother is concerned, refer her to a gynaecologist.
• If the mother is drinking alcohol, educate her about the need not to abuse it; heavy drinking during pregnancy can lead to mental retardation in the child.
• Treat high blood pressure or fits in mothers urgently. Refer for specialist care any mother who is semiconscious or confused or has vaginal bleeding.
• Avoid giving pregnant women drugs and X-rays unless absolutely necessary. Also, pregnant women should not work with toxic substances.
• Pregnant women should be advised to avoid carrying heavy loads and accident-prone activities such as walking on slippery ground.
• Immunise mothers against measles and tetanus. Do not let them come into contact with people with German measles, mumps or chickenpox during pregnancy.
• If there is a family history of mental retardation, refer the mother for counselling; some conditions do run in families and can be detected through specialised tests. There is also a
higher risk if the parents are related to one another.

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