Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Migrant Mortality and Public Health

Migrant Mortality and Public Health
Given the unexplained nature of observed mortality
differentials, the mortality of migrants cannot be
considered a good indicator for their socioeconomic
and general health status. It is well conceivable that
migrants from Mediterranean countries are disadvantaged
in many respects in an industrialized host country of the north, and yet their cardiovascular mortality
remains lower than that of the majority population for many decades. This observation would merely reflect
the mortality advantage of their country of origin relative to that of the host country. Some particular causes of death, however, are more informative with regard to equity in health care. Among these are infant mortality and maternal mortality. These should decline to levels close to those experienced by the majority population within a short time after migration if care is equitable. Remaining differentials usually have to be interpreted as an indication of barriers that migrants face when accessing and utilizing health services in the host country.

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