Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

More than 80% of the body stress relate to diseases

More than 80% of the body stress relate to diseases!

   When we are under too much pressure, the body's various systems will alert us, Prefessor Fan, a psychology prefessor at Tsinghua University, and of course, each person's physical condition is different, the reaction will be different.

   The digestive system is the most sensitive reaction under too much pressure. People may have no appetite, feel stomach pain and bloating. It will lead to digestive system diseases, such as gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcers and even gastric cancer. The pressure will also affect our sleep. I have often said that we can't sleep at night due to something disturbing, in fact, it's the result of the pressure has not been released effectively.

   There are the effects of cardio cerebral vascular system. Harvard University study founds people living in a state of extreme pressure than the probobility of carefree people suffered a heart attack to 4.5times higher.

It may lead to dizziness, irregular heartbeat under long term pressure so that the cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction and other cardiac and cerebral blood tube diseases. Even in urinary and reproductive system can affect such as before the college entrance examination, including examination, a lot of people always want to feel on the toilet, in fact he dose not necessarily have physiological needs, but the pressure caused by urinary system reaction.

   After the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, She continued to be in Wenchuan engaged in the work of post disaster psychological assistance for more than 3years.This is a big challenge, especially facing the cadres of the death of a loved one of the front line areas. During that time, everyday I have a runny nose, like a cold very serious, I know it's not really cold ,too much pressure caused by the decline in the immune system response. Although the body will appear all sorts of symptoms.


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