Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Mothers living with mental illnesses

Mothers living with mental illnesses are likely to benefit from a flexible array of services, supports, or providers who are characterized by their availability and accessibility. Mothers’ needs may well extend beyond the routine treatment session; they may benefit from access to “warm line” telephone or web-based supports at odd hours to avert bigger crises. A mother in the Family Options intervention explained, “When I have issues going on here with the kids, trying to deal with the
stress of being a single parent, she [Family Coach] talks to me on the phone; she helps me with my depression.” Mothers may prioritize very practical resources and supports that fly in the face of typical treatment recommendations or the priorities of traditional clinical providers. Mothers in the Family Options intervention initially sought help related to home and time management, conflict resolution, transportation, recreation opportunities for their children, and advocacy. “[The Family Coach] will help with transportation and other things, get me out of the house, and get me to the clubhouse,” according to another mother.
Mothers may benefit from facilitated access to community-based supports available to all (e.g., a food pantry, a clothing outlet, or free activities at the local recreation center or public library). Mothers and children may benefit from assistance
in identifying formal and informal resources to achieve short-term familyrelated goals; the achievement of these goals may then allow them to address longer-term individual goals or more chronic issues. This requires a flexible approach to what is “therapeutic” or helpful versus what is typically considered to be “treatment.”

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