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music therapy research essay

music therapy research essay.Music therapy often involves the therapist relating to the client through musical improvisation. The client will begin playing an instrument or making vocal sounds and the therapist joins them with an instrument they feel appropriate to the music. Techniques the therapist might employ include matching the client’s expression,supporting, accompanying, empathising, creating boundaries and confronting.

music therapy research essay.Transferences occur through the music and are returned the same way to the client, when the therapist feels they are ready to receive them, by the therapist making them audible. Therefore, there is close interaction between therapist and client and a relationship is created and developed through the music, but there need not be any talking. This can be particularly helpful for people with severe communication disturbances who have difficulty making emotional contact, with positive psychotic symptoms, with obsessive-compulsive symptoms and people who intellectualise.

In group improvisation, the therapist may take more of a structuring and guiding role. Themes that music therapy can address include:

intimacy/distance, aggression/non-aggression, dependence/independence, acting out/emptiness, being present, disappearing, moving from one position to another, and creating boundaries/testing boundaries.

music therapy research essay.Other musical activities that might be used are performing pieces of music, composing and listening. Again, what is used will depend on the client and the aims of the therapy.

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