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mycotoxins definition

mycotoxins definition Mycotoxins are toxic metabolites of moulds present
on raw or processed food or feed. Moulds grow in
a humid atmosphere, so either the humidity of the
space where products are kept or the quantity of water
in the product (so called ‘water activity’) enhance
mould growth. Moulds which are frequently present on
food are Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium, Alternaria,
Claviceps and they produce Aflatoxins B1, B2, G1,
G2, M1, M2. Aspergillus flavus produce Ochratoxin
A and Cyclopiazonic acid.

These toxins, along with patulin, zearalenone, fumonisins and others, produce acute and chronic hepatic lesions and could be carcinogenic.
Mycotoxins are destroyed only on temperatures above
220°C, so conventional cooking temperatures are ineffective
in lowering the levels of mycotoxins. Peanuts, corn, nuts, figs, coffee, beans are always tested for the presence of mycotoxins since they grow in humid regionswhere conditions for growth of moulds are optimal.

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