Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Neurosurgery for mental disorder

Neurosurgery for mental disorder The surgical procedure involves destroying brain tissue or destroying its function for the purpose of alleviating specific mental disorder. It is rarely performed but is still available to a minority of individuals suffering from very disabling mental illnesses when all interventions have not provided any relief. The surgery is carried out in highly specialist units, of which there are only a very small number in the UK. The Mental Health Act Commission reports a total of 13 referrals in the two years 2001–2003. A referral is made to the Mental Health Act Commission when psychosurgery is indicated. A panel of three Commissioners visits the individual to ensure that provisions of section 57 of the Mental Health Act 1983 are observed before a certificate for the treatment is issued. The panel independently assesses if the individual is capable of consenting and agrees to the surgery and that the treatment should be given.

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