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Never Say Seven Sentences to Comfort Anxiety People

Never Say Seven Sentences to Comfort Anxiety People According to the American Huffington post, there are plenty of adults suffering the anxiety every year. In common, people will ask others for help. But some people’s words make the anxiety worse. At times, we always speak some wrong words which didn’t ease the anxiety. Therefore never say the following words to help the anxiety people. 1.Don’t bother yourself for a trifle. The trifles that you think are maybe essential for others. When you try to produce positive energy to relieve the tense atmosphere,you may ignore the import things for others. The clinical psychologist Scott Bea in the Cleveland Clinic advised:You should get into the opposing party’s thought pattern. To the worries,all things are big matters.So if you want to help them,you should try to help them from the point of view of the same.It will be more efficient than comforting. 2.Be calm. You should know that they wouldn’t calm down because of the anxiety and panic.So these words are the nonsenses and can’t work.It is difficult for averages to calm down even to the people with anxiety disorder.A professor of psychiatry at the Stanford University Keith Humphreys said:Language maynot couldn’t be the most efficient way.You can reduce their symptoms By doing the same things with them.You can do yoga,walking or attending concert rather than comfort them.These things will be more practical. 3.No ways,you tolerate it. The more you are strict with them,the more weakness they are when they face to the anxiety.Humphreys advised you can say“this feeling is really terrible.Or I can understand you and so on.These words with feelings can help the anxiety people to calm themselves down. 4.Everything gonna be better. To people with anxiety,the saying “everything gonna be better”is useless.Because nobody believe it. Bea said: “Comfort would be useful in short time.But they will return the previously worrying state quickly. Do real things and give them hopes rather than tell them “everything gonna be better”. 5.I also have much pressure. We always compare them with us when we listen to others’ complain.Bea advised that we should better not to render pessimism.And it will be worse.If you cannot control this mood,you should better not let it into this pessimistic condition.The research indicates that the pressure is infectious mood.A new study in University of California,San Francisco hows that even a infant can receive the negative mood from mother. 6.Drink some alcohol Most people think that the alcohol can reduce the anxiety.However,the danger has two disadvantages.On the one hand,the emotion is in trouble,on the other hand you body also damage.Therefore,don’t talk to your friends with this unhealthy tips.The study also found the components of the alcohol will strengthen the worries.So keep your friends who are anxiety away the alcohol. 7.What’s wrong with me? We will think that we have responsibility when our lovers suffers the long pain.Causes of the worry and anxiety couldn’t be caused by one thing,which have many factors.We should accept the fact that we can’t control other’s mood and don’t be frustrated.They will have more powers when they know you are always stand by them.It is useless to blame.The most important thing is to stand in the lovers firmly.

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