Mental health articles
OF mental health care and mentally ill
nursing diagnosis for tourette syndrome
nursing diagnosis for tourette syndrome as follows:
• Body image disturbance related to tics
• Ineffective coping skills related to increased episodes when stressed
• Disturbance of self-esteem related to tics
There is no specific test to diagnose Tourette’s syndrome. The diagnosis is based on your history of signs and symptoms.
The criteria for the diagnosis of Tourette’s syndrome include:
Both motor and vocal convulsions exist, although not necessarily at the same time
Convulsions occur several times a day, almost daily or intermittently, lasting for more than a year
Convulsions begin before the age of 18
Convulsions are not caused by drugs, other substances or other diseases
Tics must change over time in terms of location, frequency, type, complexity, or severity
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