Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) Case Studies Examples

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) Case Studies Examples

Harry is a 20-year-old man who is a trainee hairdresser in the local town.He has always loved his job and is enthusiastic and eager to learn. Harry’s obsessive-compulsive trait started when a lady arrived at the salon one day to have her hair styled. On examining the scalp with his bare hands, Harry noted that the lady had some lesions in her scalp that were oozing. This frightened Harry as he feared that these lesions were contagious. Harry washed his hands but was not convinced that he had done this properly. Following this episode,Harry began to wash his hands on a regular basis, even after touching the equipment in the salon that his colleagues were using. This obsession spilled over into his home life and he began to develop a certain ritual, which he followed religiously. He started to shower or bathe about three times a day.He started getting up earlier each day so that this ritual could be followed. If Harry did not follow his ritual specifically, he would need to start the ritual again from the beginning. Harry’s exemplary work attendance began to fadeand at times he could not even leave the house because of his obsession. Harry needed to be admitted to a psychiatric unit for treatment.

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